Emilia DiNatale

I love love live listening to podcasts and Matt’s podcast is one of my favorites. I love how short these episodes are while also packed with informs and things to think about. Matt seeks to talk and focus on what the passage is actually saying while using hilarious anecdotes and historical facts.

-Emilia DiNatale

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In less than 15 minutes a day you can be enriched in good clear teaching of scripture. Matt brings in the spiritual, historical significance of the verses discussed and even tackles some hard and unclear themes within the scripture. But In the end (this is my favorite thing), Matt always make sure you see the “ yes and amen of all scripture is Jesus”. Always Jesus. 5plus!

- tellis478

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Only listen to this if you want your mind blown! Matt has a way with words and comes across as a person who really cares about your opinion even if it is different from his. I would highly recommend this podcast to believers and non-believers alike! Keep up the good work!


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I am loving this book a day trip through the Bible. It is truly something that I look forward to each day. Usually listen with my wife while getting lunch ready for the kids each day. Keep ‘em coming.

- s_harde13

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Robby Abney

I appreciate Matt for being so honest and hilarious. You cover material like how I want to understand it and that makes going through the Bible so fun and easier to wrap my mind around. Thanks for all you do and I can’t wait to continue on this journey with ya!

- Robby Abney

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Incredible podcast, incredible message, incredible beard. This podcast has ignited a fire in my (relatively) new faith and has taught me so much about how to read the bible and the meaning of God's word!

- Ptotherice

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